Tag Archives: Peggy Judd
Lisa Marra gets $130K settlement from Cochise County
Posted on by Bob Karp
Ex-county elections officer settles "toxic" workplace lawsuit
From the Herald/Review "BISBEE - Lisa Marra, former Cochise County Elections Director, has been provided a settlement payout of $130,000 through the Arizona Counties Insurance Pool, the county's risk management insurer, following claims of toxic work environment."
The article continues "As of Tuesday afternoon, it is not know if the payout will increase the cost of the county's annual premium...
However, it raises the total of legal costs incurred by the actions of Judd, Crosby and Stevens to force a hand count of ballots in the 2022 midterm election to more than $300,000"
Marra responded in email to the Herald/Review that the Board of Supervisors as her employer did not have the right "to harass, threaten or intimidate employees."
Read the entire article online (behind paywall $) from MyHeraldreview.com
Peggy Judd and Tom Crosby select election denier for county Election Director
Posted on by Bob Karp
Commentary: Could it get any worse?
From the Associated Press' Jonathan Cooper as published in the Beaumont Enterprise "A rural Arizona county where leaders have embraced voting machine conspiracies on Tuesday hired an elections director who has promoted the false claims that voter fraud cost former President Donald Trump reelection in 2020. The two Republicans on the three-member Cochise County Board of Supervisors voted to hire Bob Bartelsmeyer, who shared memes on his personal Facebook page supporting Trump's claims of fraud and promoting the lie that Dominion voting machines manipulated the outcome."
Voters in Cochise County raised alarms about Bartelsmeyer's work history, resume and fairness to take on the position of county Election Director. I reviewed Bartelsmeyer's work history and resume submitted to the county for the job and as an employer what stood out to me is a 10 year gap in his employment history. What did he do between 2010 and 2022 when he was hired by La Paz county?
I also wonder if the county did a background check on this guy? Apparently it was very easy to find his partisan and conspiracy laden posts about the 2020 election on Facebook. That certainly would be enough of a reason not to hire this man to oversee the processing of ballots in an election.
But the Republican majority on the board of supervisors went ahead and allowed County Recorder (R), David Stevens to hire him anyway.
The circus that came to town in the aftermath on the 2022 general election hasn't left our county. In fact in has pitched a tent for a long stay. Beware!
Read the entire Beaumont Enterprise article.
Expensive legal advice for Maricopa county regarding 2022 election
Posted on by Bob Karp
Should taxpayers in Cochise County care about legal bills in Maricopa County? Yes. Local taxpayers are already in for about $175,000 in legal bills related to various lawsuits because of actions taken by the 2 Republicans on the board of supervisors, Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd.
While grievances by loser gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake fuels the battle in Phoenix, there is no such grievance in Cochise County which overwhelming voted for Republican candidates up and down the ballot. (One exception the election of Democrat Clea McCaa mayor of Sierra Vista.) Instead the challenge to election procedure at the county level seems to be a new feature of Republican party mantra.
Unfortunately, this costs local governments who often have to hire outside lawyers to defend against what various Superior court and Arizona Supreme court judges have said for "frivolous" or worse.
The November 2024 general election is along way off. Voters need to remember how, why and who is responsible for wasting taxpayer dollars on this nonsense.
Steve Conroy on Cochise County election procedures
Posted on by Bob Karp
Note: Mr. Conroy was a candidate for Sierra Vista mayor in the 2022 general election. The post shown here is a screen grab of a Facebook post that is not his original post. Mr. Conroy mixes some incorrect facts with some popular misinformation to come to the conclusion that "Arizona has an opportunity to lead the way to better election process..." Not a bad idea, we can always improve. Let's just be honest about what needs to be changed.
Let's take a look at his factual errors first.
"We should return to hand-counting Ballots. FL did not have a problem getting their votes counted within a day or so."
Fact check: Florida does use paper ballots that are hand marked. Then they are scanned and tabulated by machines. This is not hand-counting of ballots.
He [Tom Crosby] followed all the statutes and eventually was forced by Maricopa County to sign off on the results.
Fact check: Crosby did not follow Arizona state election law, refusing to certify the canvas as well as attempting to demand a 100% hand count which is not allowed by law. Maricopa County had nothing to do with forcing Crosby to do anything. It was the Pima County Superior Court that issued a ruling from a suit brought by the Arizona Secretary of State. Because of Crosby and Supervisor Peggy Judd, Cochise County missed the legally mandated date to certify the vote. Crosby never did "sign off" on the results even after being instructed to do so by the court. Judd and Supervisor Ann English did, making the majority needed to certify the vote. Crosby didn't show up for the vote!
Other interesting statements made as fact: "Computer programs can easily [bold added for emphasis] be tailored to change vote counts." What proof does he have for this broad statement. Has he worked in election software? I have not, but I'm guessing that vote tabulation software is closely monitored for unauthorized changes. In fact, Maricopa county had to get rid of all its vote tabulation machines when they were turned over to an unauthorized vendor, Cyber Ninjas, because it could not be determined if they were tampered.
"If you want to rig an election, do NOT require voter registration..." Cochise County and all of Arizona requires voter registration to be eligible to vote.
Mr. Conroy gives the reader a choice of agreeing with him "...or we can sit back and let socialism reign in America." Somehow socialism is the result of not allowing hand counting of ballots. Then he pivots to reminding all of us about inflation which is certainly a big economic issue. Not sure how that is relevant to the main issue. He seems to want to compare prices to "what we spent three months ago". A better comparison would have been a year ago.
Cochise County board of supervisors owe more
Posted on by Bob Karp
This is probably just the start
From Arizona Public Media 4/7/23: The Cochise County Board of Supervisors (BOS) has been ordered to pay more than $35,000 in legal fees in their case against certifying the 2022 General Election spurred by unfounded claims that the vote tabulation machines are inaccurate. The order came from Pima County Judge Casey McGinley on Wednesday, requiring the board to pay for the legal fees for the Arizona Secretary of State and the Arizona Alliance of Retired Americans, which together totaled $36,193.64.
Background: Republicans on the BOS proposed a 100% hand count of ballots cast in the November 2022 general election after refusing to certify the election canvas as required by Arizona state election law. Lawsuits ensued. The plaintiffs in this case asked for attorney's fees to be paid by the defendant, the Cochise Board of Supervisors. They won
From news reports we know that there are other suits against the BOS that have yet to be decided. Costs (attorney's fees for representing the county) that will need to be paid by either county taxpayers or the individuals sued, Supervisors Peggy Judd, Tom Crosby and Recorder David Stevens, have already totaled more than $175,000 as of the publication date of this post.
Brace yourselves for more requests for attorney's fees to be paid to the plaintiffs attorneys of these cases if they are won in court.
AZ AG seeks injunction in Cochise elections case
Posted on by Bob Karp